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Saturday, March 23, 2024

Post-it Notes -A Little Gift Every Day

There are so many creative thoughts that go through the mind at any one time that it's near impossible for me to capture them all.  I laugh because on my way into work this week I was listening to Air1 and they were talking about how the Post-it note turned 50 this year. I love Post-it notes.  They bring a little brightness to my day.  

Liking Post-It

As I said earlier, I love Post-It notes.  They are bright and colorful.  You can always tell my mood by what post-it note color I am using for the day.  I try every day to write a positive powerful message on the white board outside my office at the college to motivate and inspire our employees. With all that is going on in the world, the Post-It note allows me to write a quote I heard on the radio, read online, or saw in a book and carry it with me to the white board and transfer for everyone to see. 

I then take the post-it notes and tape them up on the door to my office.  They are not only reminders for my staff but for me as well. On Valentine's day this year, I decided to something unique and different.  I found words that were inspiring, positive and reminded me of an individual and posted it up on the white board.  I designed the pale pink post-it notes into the shape of a heart.  Through out the day, staff would come by and find their word or look at the words of others and smile.  They would also giggle and laugh.  

As I was leaving that day, I felt as if I had done a great thing.  Everyone laughed and had a great day that day at work. I could have bought candy and small cards, but the hand written notes with single words made a big impact all thanks to these Post-it notes.

My First Experience

My first experience with post-it notes was with my parents.  They would write notes and leave them in my lunch box for me to find at lunch.  It was always a warm heart felt feeling when I received them.  Sometimes they would leave them for each other, my dad would leave a post-it note for my on the bathroom mirror on days he would have to go out early or on a trip.  I learned that Post-It it notes were a way to show your love to someone.  

I got married for a second time in 2015 to my husband.  I shared the tradition I had seen my parents do expressing their love through Post-it notes with him.  The first year of our marriage was rough.  Prior to loosing my husbands children, it was my responsibility to make lunches for them in the morning.  As I made the lunches, the best part of making them was writing the Post-it note with a positive message a message of encouragement or saying I love you with a smiley face.  Doing that, was the best and most rewarding thing I ever did and probably ever will do. 

Once we were no longer allowed to see or contact the children, her choice not ours, my husband has never really been the same. However, on the really bad days, I always find a pen and post-it note to write a loving message on.  I have messages with drawings and just messages all around our house.  I have one reminding him to turn off the heater in the bathroom, and one that just tells him I love him with the drawing of a bunny holding a tool he loves working with. I even have one on the mirror in our bathroom that just says I love you. They all still remain no matter the season.

The Future

The future of Post-it notes looks positive in my house.  We will continue to purchase them and use them to share notes and provide inspiration to each other. I even carry post-it notes in my car.  I am supposed to put keys and other items there but I always make sure to have Post-it notes. I have one Post-it that stays in my car mounted on my radio/clock screen.  It's a reminder to myself that although through all the challenges, expectations, losses, joys and heart breaks that it doesn't mean that the world has to be that way.  I can make a difference and plan to be the difference that others can look too and enjoy. All it ever takes is one 1 3/8 in. x 1 7/8 in. post-it to change the world.

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