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Monday, March 25, 2024

Positive Monday Thought - 3/25/2024

Good Morning. Happy Monday too you.  I thought I would share some positive Monday thoughts.  As I talked about in my last blog, I always start my day off at work with posting on a white board a positive quote or motivational quote for my coworkers.  I am deciding to do that here. Since this blog is about the positive things, I figured I would continue sharing my positive quotes here on Mondays and discuss what they mean to me. 

Monday's Positive Quote


So I chose this quote because as I reflect on food, it has been an important part of my way of expressing comfort, joy, support and every other emotion you can imagine.  It is no wonder, in my opinion, we always say breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  It ensures our happiness and positive outlook to the day.  

When I have friends and family that need support during a rough time, I never ask what they need, I just go to the store, pick up quick food items, and bring them to them.  I want to make sure that even though times are rough, they have a full tummy.  We feed each other in both uplifting and sad moments in our lives.  One of the hardest moments in my life was when I lost my grandfather to Agent Orange related issues. The day we lost him was not the worst but it was when we buried him. My grandmother and mother were not doing any better, but we decided after the funeral to go out to eat at one of our favorite restaurants. By the end of the meal, we were still sad but the mood was a little lighter.

We feed each other in joyful moments as well.  Every Christmas and Easter, there is always a large spread of food at the table.  We also celebrate birthdays with large family meals. Eating is the one activities that if it is done together, brings happiness and community. At work, we are given leftover food from large meetings, it brings my coworkers together and at the end everyone is smiling and laughing no matter what kind of day we are having. 

As someone who leads a team of students, I make sure to have snacks around.  Food inequity can be very challenging for college students.  Especially when your making decisions around getting food or paying rent.  I realize that students can not function effectively without a full tummy.  So I keep snacks in my office in a box so they can grab some before, during and after their shift.  I want to ensure they are happy working and after work so they can be the powerful positive influence that I know they all are.  

Food For Thought

As your reading this, if your like me you have a snack that your nibbling on.  I have to ask you, does the snack put you in a more positive head space?  Does it allow you sit and focus on what your doing now?  Or does it provide you a moment to escape? Either way, food is allowing your body and heart to feel happy. So, if your having difficulty with someone, if you unhappy about a situation, grab a snack and go share it with them.  The snack and the situation.  By the end, I am more than sure things will be better for not just you but also for them.

Hoping you have a wonderful Monday full of happy snacks and positive thoughts.


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